Posts tagged “office desks”

According to Posture People (in 2022), only 1% of the UK currently have sit-stand desks in comparison 90% of Scandinavian office workers. And in 2021, Posturite says over 20% more people searched for standing desks in the UK in the past 12 months than the previous year. 
Some of the rise in popularity of the sit to stand desks could be due to the pandemic and working from home and also hybrid working changes and trends. Here at Sygnus we are still finding sit to stand desks or standing desks are still very popular and highly valued. 
The health benefits of a sit to stand desk ... Read on ... 
Office desks 
A “desk” used to be a top with 4 legs, and everyone had the same, but in today’s offices and workplaces, the choices of desks are way more than this simplistic view. How so? 
There is the choice of top material, wood, finish and colour. Depending on budget, preference, décor and purpose. 
There is the choice of size/dimensions and also shape. From wave to radial to rectangular. Again, depending on budget, purpose, need and functionality. 
Desks can be for one person or more if part of a meeting room or boardroom. Or for multiple users in a bench style which is ideal for hot desking. Flexible working, productivity levels and hybrid working all need to be taken into account here. 
Desks can even be found as parts of booths and pods if you are factoring in acoustics, productivity and privacy. 
And finally, desks can be flexible if you want to sit or stand, or both, whilst working with electric/heigh adjustable and sit to stand desks.  
We spend a lot of time at our desks and therefore these need to be fit for purpose in terms of meeting our working needs, big enough for more than one screen, well laid out to prevent clutter, good storage and drawers for productivity and tidiness. These are all factors to consider ... 
Desks first appeared in the late 17th century (the 1600's) as bureaus (a sloping front desk in which the writing surface can be opened and closed) and further research says the world’s first standing computer desk was invented in 1998. 
The word "desk" originated from the Modern Latin word desca "table to write on", from the mid 14th century. This blog looks at the types and purposes of the varying desks found now in today’s changing workplace. 
As we adapt to our working space and working environment, wherever and whatever that may look like, meetings with customers and colleagues and bosses and suppliers will continue to be happening. They may look and sound different, but they will be happening as we continue to work and be productive as best we can. 


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